When I published my first novel, “Home Fires Burning,” back in 1987, it occurred to me how much the process resembled giving birth to an elephant.
You see, elephants are pregnant for 22 months, longer than any other mammal. If you’ve ever been pregnant, or been around someone who has, you know how 9 months can seem like an eternity. 22 months boggles the mind.
That first novel took a good deal longer than 22 months to write. The idea for it originated when I was in graduate school, working on my MFA in Creative Writing. It started as a short story in a fiction workshop class, and when I finished the MFA in 1979, it began to take shape as a novel. 8 years later, it appeared in print.
So yes, I think of a novel – at least the way I write them – as resembling an elephant giving birth. It takes a long time, and when it’s finished, you hope nobody notices that it has long, floppy ears. Or if they do, they’ll be gracious enough not to say so.
So now I’ve got a new novel, “Villages,” due for publication in early April from Livingston Press. Just like my others, it has taken a long time to bring into the world. As for the long, floppy ears – well, you’ll have to decide for yourself.
“Villages” is mostly unlike anything I’ve written before. It’s the story of a 21-year-old man, home from war in the Middle East, wounded in body and spirit, reluctantly returning to his small southern home town to try to get his life back together. The small town is familiar territory to me – I grew up in one – but this young man’s life is a world I’ve never personally inhabited. If my telling of his story is genuine and honest, it's thanks in large measure to extensive research and spending time with young men who have been there. That, and empathy with what they go through.
I do know that my young man and his trauma are all too real. We have legions of veterans who have returned from combat devastated by what they have lived and seen. Their post-war lives are a struggle for meaning and survival. Way too many don’t make it. But PTSD – post traumatic stress disorder – can affect anyone who has experienced trauma – accident, abuse, rape, violence. So my young man’s story is universal. And the struggle, the ripple effect, touches families, friends, everyone whose lives intersect with the traumatized.
My job as a novelist is to imagine genuine characters – warts and all – that are part and parcel of our human experience. Situate those characters in a particular time and place, surround them with other characters, and give them a dilemma. How they confront the dilemma is the story.
A couple of other things about elephants: they’re highly intelligent and they have long memories. I trust my storytelling will have the same qualities.